Thursday, April 15, 2021

How To Delete Instagram Account?

Instagram is a rage today and is a lot of fun! But if by any chance if you wish to delete your account and data—images, stories—permanently with it, then also it’s like fun-filled roller coaster ride.

If you really…really wish to delete it permanently follow these lines:

1.          First you need to go to the Delete Your Account Page from a browser—Yes browser you cannot delete it from the app—you can either open it on your phone’s browser or do so in your desktop

2.          Then you will be prompted to tell Why are you deleting your account? (Mind you, you will have to tell this as without selecting the appropriate reason for deleting the account, you literally can’t delete it)

3.          Select an appropriate reason and…you are ready to go. All your data would be deleted permanently.

Still having any confusion: Visit this official deletion page

How to delete Instagram account

However feel free to start afresh whenever you feel the need for that fun again!